Accessing Your Super-Power!

Early on in the popular new Superwoman movie, there is a scene in which the young Diana is under extreme duress during a training battle that pushes her to the limits of her endurance and beyond. Only when she has exhausted her strength and resources – and yet still refuses to be defeated – does she discover a power she never even knew she had that could never have been accessed in any other way.

What about our own superpowers? Are they just the stuff of fantasy and wishful thinking? Or does the fact that we are each created from the stuff of stars – and by the same invisible hand – indicate that we may have innate powers that we cannot even imagine at this time?

Over a period of decades author Michael Murphy amassed recorded evidence from history books and newspaper clippings of people exceeding what we think of as humanly possible. In his 1993 book, The Future of the Body, he documents selected examples of what he calls ‘meta-normal’ human capacities in areas such as perception, cognition, communication, volition and spiritual development. Taken together, he sees such examples as pointing toward the further evolution of our species.

At this time of extreme duress, when we may feel taxed beyond our capacity to respond effectively, we too – like the young Superwoman – have the opportunity to dig deep and discover our own infinite well of resources. These previously untapped abilities can take us beyond our little self with its crippling sense of limitations and separation from our Source and from each other. 

Your own nascent ‘superpower’ may be something so effortless for you right now that you tend to overlook it or discount its deeper value. Yet, in it you may find your greater reason for being and a path of loving service to others. Such a path immediately enhances our awareness of our inner superpowers. And in so doing, it simultaneously diminishes our need to be seen as ‘special’ by anybody else. By following the path that unfolds from within us, we find our way to the Promised Land of Great-Fullness and Joy.

So tell me, what is your Super-Power and how are you called to respond to the world today?


For God's Sake, Evolve!


The Power of Being in Service to the World